This game is made for the Inside Out Jam!

Manage your emotions in this "Reigns" inspired game. In "Heartstring", every conversation with your friends, family, and strangers affects how you feel. Keep Joy, Fear, Sadness, Disgust, and Anger in balance as you make choices in the outside world that shape you inside. Can you stay balanced in the face of life's challenges?


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I am emotionally unabanced also IRL. And this is a test more than a game. Fun 2 / 5 (and I am totally tolerant). Just doodle pictures and test-like "graphics". Art + Graphics 2 / 5. But the dea is orginal although it is missing real gamification. Originality 4 / 5. But it is inded thematic. Theme 5 / 5.

Feel free to try, rate and comment what I uploaded - a physical (!) game made by my life Partner.